Consultancy & Service Contracts

DJC Tenpin Bowling Services provide a comprehensive business solution for our customers.

DJC offer a Business Consulting Proposal for your Bowling Centre, whether you are enquiring to build a bowling centre or you need advice in your existing bowling centre or you would like to have a Service Maintenance Contract.

We have had many years of experience in the Tenpin Bowling Industry. We have vast technical knowledge with both the front end and back end of your Bowling Centre.

We compile reports, and advise on what tools should be provided to give the bowling centre operator a better understanding of the technical issues, detailed, understandable information to aid the decision-making process when the many possibilities present themselves. We can arrange for weekly, monthly or quartely visit whatever our Customers require.

We are different because of our knowledge that our success is only possible in the realisation of our customer’s success. We are different because our services, our experience and our commitment comes at a price that’s justifiable, affordable and relative to the benefits.

We distinguish ourselves through our belief that it is not always the most expensive tool that produces the best result. Not a statement often heard from an equipment salesman. We provide total commitment to our customers no matter where they are on the structural ladder.

From the owner/operator looking to optimise return on investment, challenged with meeting all the legal requirements, including the minefield of Health & Safety, and doing it all whilst ever mindful of the cost.

The manager looking to provide an exciting experience to customers, offering the best of features and equipment, in a well-run, well operated and well maintained bowling centre, continually challenged to remain in the hearts and minds of the community in which he/she operates.

The technician looking to maintain the reliability of equipment to the tools to maintain it, to the parts needed to improve its performance and the policies, procedures and training needed to put it all into action.

We offer a competitive fee for our Consultancy Service and Maintenance Service Contracts.

For more information or if you would like to book an appointment, please call 01442 213033 or email /