Installation & Sales
We offer quotations on bowling alley installations and de-installations for all equipment types. We're also interested in purchasing second hand equipment. A centre site visit will be required.

PINSpotter training
We provide on site training for 82/70, 82/90, 82/90xl and 90xli. Pinspotter Training can take place in your own centre over a one week period.

LED Upgrade
LED upgrade is a replacement program for CRT Monitors on most scoring systems. We will remove existing CRT Monitors. No structural changes are required for hanging LED's.

Consultancy & Service Contracts
DJC offer a Business Consulting Proposal for your Bowling Centre, whether you are enquiring to build a bowling centre or you need advice in your existing bowling centre.

Lane Resurfacing
DJC Tenpin Bowling Services provides professional bowling alley lane care services to Bowling Centres Worldwide.

Repairs & Parts
We have a fully manned repair workshop facility which includes fully operational Pinspotters for testing.